What is Rip & Tear with Friends?
Rip & Tear with Friends is a 2D top down co-op shooter that has took form from Space Invader and has a lot of reference to the DOOM series. The unique mechanics for this game is that your health is your ammo! You need to use your own health to shoot heart-shaped bullets that can destroy enemy and replenish your teammates' health, and they can help you back later.
AD & JL: horizontal movement
W & I: Shoot your enemies
S & K: Shoot your friend to help them
Left & Right Shift: Call for help
My Contribution:
The idea of the "health as ammo" mechanic
The scripting of enemy movement and its interaction with players
The scripting of health pack movement and its interaction with players
Picking music, SFXs, and VFXs related to healthpacks and enemies.